Monday, 14 February 2011

World Music and Mixes From the Month of February


Moombahton and Moombahcore respectively are genres that have been steadily worming their way into my listening habits. Here are some downloads I've picked up over the past week, almost entirely through Generation Bass or DJUMB, I must admit. The great Munchi himself writes for GB, denoting it as the primary online source for Moombah propaganda. A very very comprehensive and respectable site, check it here.

Danger Girl is a new name to me, but she knows her fuggin' Moombah as exhibited by this tasty ass mix right here. Free download, an hour of the core-est Moombahcore around.
more more moombahcore! by danger girl

Kanji Kinetic coming out of nowhere with his rabid "Mutant Moombahton" remix of Submerse's Light Music Club. It's a full-scale expression of Kanji Kinetic's production skills, which have always been evident. Very original stuff.
Submerse - Light Music Club (Kanji Kinetic RMX) [CLIP] by kanji

Munchi's Summer of Moombahton mixtape, found by Doeo. Get it now.  

     Finally, finally, finally, a substantial amount of work from one of my Glitch favorites ZDS. Their two existing remixes are profound, as are their two originals. This is a half hour mixtape of all original material from their forthcoming EP. Hubba-hubba.
Original Stealth Mixtape by ZenDeathSquad
    New remix from Bassy, tasty speed glitch percussion, somewhat standard bass, really nice sampling. At least he's not using the circus bass sound he got addicted to in the past couple months, and apparently getting back to roots. Solid tune.
The Bangles - Walk Like An Egyptian (Bassnectar's 2003 Remix) [Free Download] by Bassnectar

     New freebie from the archduke of U.S. bassline. Slippery ass-cannon of a song, trashy as fuck as always. High oscillation bit-crushers, massive composition.
Figure - BPM BREAKER (Original Mix) FREE DOWNLOAD by Figure
Also, his monsters of Drumstep EP is straight legendary material. Get it Feb. 28th,  as soon as it drops. (Play Me Records)

     Mason continues to construct his sonic delicacies. Some real artful noise coming from this one. Subtle glitch textures of serious potential and solid beats conspire to make him a favorite local producer of mine. Check his latest below, and get the free Old Ark remixes EP here.
Strengthened This Weekend by The Cogito

      And finally, to satisfy my filth fix, a ten minute mix comprised of seriously cut tracks.
1 -- Peo De Pitte - Burning Up (Torqux & Twist Remix)
2 -- Point.Blank - Brutal (Coresyntax Remix)
3 -- Eptic - Tampopsicle (Point.Blank Remix)
4 -- Antiserum & No Thing - Animal
5 -- Vinyl Bright - Mission (Liquid Stranger Remix)
6 -- Skumstep - Mindfucked

Get it. 

    A very interesting mix from 0oGuN, Roomie, and Antiserum. The thing's all over the place. Below lies the track-list. Here's the link.

OoGuN - Undivided Roots
Roommate - Kingston
Noah D & Roommate - The Bassman
OoGuN - 320 Dubmasta
Antiserum - Rambo Style
OoGuN vs Tiki - This is it (00Oo remix)
Roommate - Cool & alright
OoGuN - Count & Duke Dub
RSD - Accepted
OoGuN vs Tiki - Burning Fire dub
Unknown - Linval Dub
Unknown - Lively Dub
OSC - Bless Up
OoGuN - 2 thieves Dub
Roommate & Noah D v Alborosie - Police Polizia
OoGuN - forever Dub
OSC v DJ G feat Budros Gali - One mile high
RSD - On deck
Antiserum & DJ G - The Tide (NarcoHz Dub)
OoGuN - U know Dub
Jahcoozi - Boys & Girls (Roommate Rmx)
OoGuN - Keep you Jumping (unfinished)

more to follow...

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