Thursday, 23 December 2010

Golden Oldies

Some good ol' releases from the 80s onward. Some of the best.

     My Life in the Bush of Ghosts is a serious piece of songwriting. It combines the sensibilities of both artists into one well rounded piece of early electronic goodness. Masterful instrumentals, epic layered compositions, synths from synth guru Eno, and incredible tape loop samples with analog effects, all cut by hand.


     Hands down the best Bowie construction out there. The songs are so good, typical ironic and suggestive lyricism, coupled with grand, forward moving music. "Waiting for the lights, you know what I mean."


   These guys have dominated San Diego minimal electronica for almost a decade, receiving nominations for best Electronic act at the San Diego Music Awards from 02 to 06. Rob Crowe, Jeff Coad, great musicians, great minimal ambience: Marginalized Information Forms One: Ping

KOTKI DWA (2007)

     Kotki Dwa is a good thing, despite what GestateReality or Max Paradise have to say. If you can get past the vocals and their production, which are both atypical and I admit somewhat uncomfortable at times, the music is thoroughly enjoyable. It is tight,  inventive, and it keeps with a solid theme of absurd half-hope. The music is upbeat, almost fun, as are the lyrics dark and questioning as well as playful. The electronics are pretty, (the album opening features bleeps and whirs artfully arranged to simulate nature sounds) and appropriately used. I highly implore you to acquire this release.

Signing out.

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