Thursday, 23 December 2010

kids AND explosions?

Yes. Both.
Mash-ups are some finicky bullshit. Most mash-up artists these days are too busy being hipsters to actually mash good music together. Others will often resort to simply laying a couple songs over one another that happen to be in the same time signature and hope it appeals to the masses. It is rare that an artist will insert enough of their own artistic touch to impress me with a mash-up. It takes a fucken lot.

With that being said, new to the scene, we have Kids & Explosions. With his first record released as of mid-October, it's quite the banging interception for a lot of AotY lists. What separates this release from the pack is its sounds of Unstoppable-era Girl Talk glitch MASTERY combined with the super clean production style of newer Girl Talk. Though they are parallels that must be drawn and compared against for any mash-up release, this album goes above and beyond most anything Greg Gillis has ever, or will ever do. The beats and lyrics--from start to finish--are masterfully crafted into unique compositions, giving new life and meaning to every single track used. Do not pass off a moment of this album as noise you have heard on the radio before. Everything is where it needs to be at all times. And all for good reason.

Deeply fun and surprisingly meaningful. Hopefully, a producer to look out for more in the near future.


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